Your Path to Hiring

Step 1: Consultation

Our consultations are in person as we feel this is the best way to get to know you, learn about your business and who will be the best hire for you. We also want to make sure we are the right fit to help you as we understand not everyone works well together. 

Step 2: The search begins

Once we decide to work together our job begins! We make sure we have a job ad running that fits who you are looking for and if we don't then we start one. Let the resume screening begin!

Step 3: Putting the puzzle together

We will look through our current candidate bench to see if we have anyone that could potential be a fit for you. As candidates come through we are working to put together your puzzle to be sure all the pieces fit. 

Step 4: Sending you potential candidates

Once we have a candidate that we feel you should review we will send you our file on them to include their resume, behavioral assessments, our interview notes and in person interview video link. You then review the information and if you're interested we will assist you in scheduling your interviews.

Step 5: Feedback & next step

Feedback & communication is extremely important as we go through the hiring process. Without it we don't feel like we can successfully help you! If you don't like a candidate just tell us why. We will take this feedback and apply it to our search criteria. 

We continue until we find the "right" fit!

If you don't like a candidate, we continue our search for the next. If you take a candidate into a second interview, we are still continuing the search. We allow you to stay focused on your business and clients while we do the heavy lifting of the hiring process. 

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